Monday, July 9, 2012


I haven't been to that many places yet in Melbourne, but I have some sort of a feel to areas around St Kilda, Armadale, Prahran and from Prahran towards the city centre, and of course the shoreline at St Kilda, which I got to know quite well during my 21 km run/walk (the last bit). Mostly my walks have been from the hostel to the Alfred Centre or from Armadale to the Alfred Centre. Not many roads or streets, but it feels like I've seen loads - maybe because I get lost in the different worlds the streets and their shop windows present. On my walk to work on the High Street, I can visit China, Afganistan and also Italy in the form of antique and rug shops or coffee houses. 

I must say, I love the High Street. It seems that the street seems to present all the items I'd want if I were to decorate an apartment or if I'd want to have nice, but expensive clothing in my wardrobe. But the best bit is that because the windows are numerous and they alternate, you don't even need to shop, because you can just admire the feeling you get passing by. :) 

But what has stroke me as odd, is the way I seem to be bumping into things related to Finland. After all I am 15 263.02 km away from home. 

Exhibit A on the previously mentioned High St:

I hope Mr or Ms Virtanen sell well their nice antique furniture. 

Exhibit B, again, High St:

Personally, I find it funny the shop is called Safari. Reminds me of my beloved sister-in-law who's bit of a Marimekko and safari fanatic. ;) 

Exhibit C on Exhibition St, city centre:

Seriously, I was looking for a cool burger place, Strange Wolf, and there they were. A lit up exhibition shelf in the middle of the wall of a bank or an office building or the sort. 

Exhibition D on High St, Safari shop, altered window decorations:

Marimekko again. 

The Finnfrenzy isn't limited to design goods. I got on the plane to Singapore, boom, Marty, the guy next to me, had been to Finland - in the middle of the cold winter. Okay, I know we get tourists in Finland, but this guy was from Australia after all. Singapore-Melbourne, Harry ("not Potter", he wanted to emphasise), a gentleman in his mature age had even been a tourist guide in Finland back in the day. Now he was returning from his fjord trip to Norway. Okay, fine, tourist, they travel, they sometimes even end up in Finland. 

Then comes the feared moment to get through the customs. After all, I'm loaded with 15 kg of Finnish products to be analysed here in Melbourne (no, we do not have the diagnostics any closer, this is THE place), and feeling a little anxious. I handed the board control guy all my carefully written papers (I must've spend several hours doing those) and started unpacking my rucksack full of food. "Oh, you're from Finland? I used to live in Tammisaari. It was good." And then follows the 3 minute talk about weather and skiing. The guy looked at THREE of my products and said "aah, knäckebröd". THAT'S IT!!! :D Lucky me!!!

This country is notorious for it's board control. Unless you happen to meet someone who enjoyed his stay in Finland... 


  1. Minä kun menin viimeksi Australiaan joululahjaruokia mukanani, tullissa oli myös yksi tyyppi, joka oli ollut töissä Suomessa! Kotkassa, joten ei varmaan edes sama tyyppi, johon sinä törmäsit! Hänkin vain vilkaisi sivusilmällä näkkäreitä ja kehui Suomen talvea. ;)

    1. Heh, mita ilmeisemmin Suomesta tuodut ruoat koetaan olevan turvallisia, joten suurin osa ei jaksa niita edes alkaa rapeltamaan lapi! :D

      Mua on pyydetty tuomaan Henry-vompatti tuliaisena Suomeen, mutta luulen, etta Henry kylla jaisi tullin huomaan... ;)

  2. Joka oot maistannut Vegemite'ä? Se on ehtaa aussikamaa, samassa sarjassa mämmin kanssa. Ei maistu kovin monelle ulkomaalaiselle. Ootko muuten törmännyt jo keskustelupalstaan Dundernews? Minusta sitä oli hauska lukea kun asuin Ausseissa. Toivottavasti näet paikallisen Talent shown finaalin, siellä on mukana Odyssey jossa voimistelee suomalainen ystäväni tytär Tuuli.

    Enjoy Down Under!

  3. Asun Jessin kanssa nyt ja eilen kavimme Vegemite-keskustelun. Pitaa varmaan testata illalla. Marmiten kanssa ongelma on suolaisuus, mutta kokeilen annostella ihan snadisti, niin ehka se siita. :) Maku ois muuten ihan ok, mutta miksi sita suolaa tungetaan sinne niin hitosti?

    Telkkarin katselu on taalla yhta vahaista kuin kotona (en siis omista telkkaria), mutta pitaa pistaa korvan taakse, jos sattuis Talent osumaan kohdalle.

    Kiitos keskustelupalstavinkista!

    Kivaa kesaa Suomeen! (Tanaan ei tarttenut hanksoja kuin osan 10 min tyomatkasta...)
